Why you need to get to know your customers

Kopa Marketing

Every quarter, the social trend allows businesses to get to know their customers by surfing the popular B2B and B2C hashtag activities. As much as you think you know what your digital marketing needs to achieve and how your brand strategy can do this, you can be using outdated content without up-to-date knowledge of your brand consumers. At Kopa Marketing, our work with small businesses and our passion for helping them thrive means we put a lot of emphasis on your relationships with your consumers. Creating your own space on the internet that makes your consumers feel special and valued with help your marketing efforts amazingly.

Knowing your own competitive advantages is often easy to define when you understand your customers. You can also gauge a better image of forecasted sales, predict how new launches will be received, and know how to get your marketing efforts spot on to save wasted time and resources.

What can my business learn from understanding our customers?

Digital marketing agencies, such as ours, can harness the power of your unique audience to benefit different aspects of your business operations. It's not just knowing who your customers are that is useful, but also getting into their mindsets to support you in a more strategic manner. By getting to know your consumers, you can therefore understand:

  • Buying habits, reasons, and behaviours
  • What their marketing circles are in terms of social communities and demographic-based connections
  • As well as buying habits, also who, they are buying for and what opportunity you have to target new people through their purchases.
  • Forecasted spending behaviour and external influences on the lifestyle may reflect your business needing to adapt and change.
  • Are our products and services working, or do they need to be adapted?
  • How do you compare to your competitors in terms of size, activity, and popularity?

Once you develop a strong and trusted brand image, you can find anything you need.

How can I get to know my customers?

Knowing the information that would help you is one thing, but how can you bring in this data? The best way to approach this is through authentic and relatable communications. We recommend:

  • Encouraging two-way communication across social media profiles in the form of Q & A's, replying to comments, being responsible with direct messages, and commenting on your own follower's posts
  • Run polls and surveys that offer a value add such as discounts or access to unique information
  • Include questions at each stage of your buying journey so as not to bombard consumers at one point of the process and put them off
  • Do your research using in-platform social analytics and google reporting to put your own image together.

Where can I use the information, I find from customers within my operations?

Getting to know your customers, of course, benefits your product success and brand awareness, but you can also use this information to inform other strategic decision-making.

Planning product launches, campaigns, and executions can be strategically aligned using consumer buying habits and forecasted trends. You can cleverly use marketing budgets for a stronger return on investment for small UK businesses.

You can also improve your customer journey in the form of website experience, buying process, and social media content for enhanced engagement success.

Finally, wider departments such as operations, supply chain, and sales can also use the findings to align their own strategies with marketing efforts for a more succinct customer-facing image which can be hard to achieve by organisations of all sizes.

How can KopaMarketing help me turn my brand consumers into paying, loyal customers?

As a UK small business, we understand how vital every moment is. That is why we specialise in results-driven activities that can turn your brand consumers into paying customers. Our services that support this are:

Paid digital advertising – Using our findings and the information gathered from your consumer insights, we can develop your paid aids more successfully. With the task reliant on understanding relevant keywords and themes, we can use your budget for more targeted campaigns that yield results.

Organic social media – We specialise in creating organic content for your social channels that encourage sales, improve engagement rates, and lets you get to know who your consumers are. We can tailor the content for whatever outcome you need using our expert copywriters and graphic design teams.

Website optimisation – As experts in user experience, we often help small businesses tailor their buying journeys to eliminate any issues along the way. We can provide content for your sites and help you make changes that eliminate any barriers to purchasing. The benefit of using consumer insights is that you can ensure every aspect of their interactions with your brand are tailored to how they like to operate.

SEO – Finally, knowing what your existing consumers are like will help you successfully market to new ones. Weaving strategic SEO content into marketing will mean that you stand more of a chance of your brand appearing with search results and related content to consumers who are most likely to become brand advocates. Our SEO strategists can help you seamlessly integrate targeted content on all of your platforms to attract the customers that you need, no matter how small or niche your business may be.

Getting to know your customers should benefit both parties. As well as you benefit from everything we have outlined, it also allows your customers the chance to make sure you are the brand for them. For smaller companies and anyone, in general, competing in busy eCommerce markets, resonating with your audience and coming across as authentic is essential for making a big impact.

Do you want to learn more about how our expertise can support your brand? Get in touch with us now.