Why Is Blog Writing So Important For SEO In 2020?

Kopa Marketing
November 26, 2024

Blog Writing is a must for businesses in 2020

With so many new platforms on the SEO market, including social media, video hosting spaces and more, it’s understandable that traditional business blogs might easily get overlooked. However, SEO in 2020 still revolves around quality blogs, as they remain a popular way for influencers and industry experts to showcase their expertise and highlight how their service offering can benefit potential customers.

Blog writing in 2020

Why Is Blog Writing Still Important in 2020?

With the rise of video marketing, podcasts and other mediums, it’s easy to think that SEO in 2020 doesn’t need written blog content. While many users enjoy alternative content, written blogs still achieve views, with long-form articles earning significantly more traffic over their lifetime than shorter articles. As such, you need to be producing regular, long-form content that showcases your business expertise and encourages readers to check out the rest of your website.

What Benefits Does Blog Content Offer?

Writing a blog is about more than just sharing your ideas, thoughts and opinions; it’s also a unique tool that you can use for a variety of purposes.The benefits of a business blog include:

  • Increases website traffic
  • Relevant blog content boosts your website’s SEO
  • The content can act as part of your sales funnel
  • You can easily update customers on new developments in your business and market
  • Blog content can answer customer questions or explain new processes to them, saving you and your team time and effort
  • Regular, insightful articles highlight your expertise and mark your company out as a thought-leader in your industry

All of these benefits require regular, relevant blog content that readers want to check out and engage with, which means that you need to invest time and effort into creating top-quality content.

Blog writing

How To Create Quality Blog Writing

  • Try to find relevant topics that no one else has written about or find an innovative take on a popular topic
  • Use SEO tools to identify the keywords that you need to include in your text
  • Include quotes from experts and links to reliable sources
  • Avoid typos and grammatical errors by proofreading your work and using a proofreading tool like Grammarly or Hemmingway Editor
  • Break up your text with subheadings
  • Keep the tone cheerful and encouraging
  • Add internal backlinks to other pages to encourage readers to visit other pages on your site
  • Include bright images to catch the eye

How To Make The Most Of Your Blog Content?

Once you’ve written and published your blog content, you need to promote it to make the most out of your work and encourage potential leads to read your blog posts.

Here are just some of the ways you can make the most of your blog content:

  • Share the link to your posts on your company’s social media pages
  • Ask any experts whose quotes you have included to share the article too
  • Include a link to your blog post in your business newsletter
  • Send the link to relevant articles to any contacts who are asking questions that your post answers
  • Review old blog content regularly and update it to ensure it remains relevant

If you want to see an example of high-quality blog content that will inform and inspire readers, then check out the rest of the Kopa Marketing blog. If you would like to learn more about SEO in particular then check out this blog we wrote.