Want to know how to share your brand's message without words?

Kopa Marketing

National share a story month is a brilliant time to consider how the unsaid word can be used to strengthen your marketing messaging. In fact, visuals have the power to increase engagement by as much as 94% ¹!

The reality is that people are busy, and no matter how much effort you put into content, daily habitual scrolling and cluttered minds can mean the fine detail is easily missed. It is therefore essential to provide a mix of tailored marketing copy with information and eye-catching visuals to ensure you are catering to all consumers.

For big businesses, using something as similar a shape or colour will evoke instant brand connotations in the consumer's minds which is not achievable for small or new companies that are still establishing a presence.

So how can you share your story in different ways with Kopa Marketing?

Real-life images

Showcasing your brand in the real world is a great way of resonating with your target customer, especially for online companies. Not only does seeing people help create a deeper connection, but it also helps establish loyalty which improves competitiveness. Say you are a small self-designing homewares company. Big names with large followings will likely be the first port of call when people are looking to invest in new products. However, seeing a behind the scenes image of a member of your team designing products or even the small-scale manufacturing process would let the consumer know your brand's ethics and how the products are created. Until these types of images are put under the nose of the consumer, they do not often consider the choices they are making.

Infographics and Graphs

People trust facts and figures. Including an eye-catching statistic around your product, brand or service is an excellent way of instantly alluding to the broader brand story attached to the outcome that consumers will then be able to investigate. Combining this with your image, colours, fonts, and logos will create a connection between your company and products within the customer's mind making it easier for subliminal social messaging to be effective in the future.

Videos and Gifs

On average, video posts on social media receive at least 48% more views². People are more likely to spend more time looking at a post if it grabs them, so something like an amazing video or even a short gif allows you to stall the user and direct them to your own products.

Recognised Logos and Keywords

Finally, if you can use any brand ambassadors, group alliances, or affiliate links on your website and message, a simple logo could be enough to grab attention. This will also share your brand's story, by proxy of the associated company, representing what your own company is likely to provide. Insights into morals and brand ethics can also be showcased in this way for instant consumer recognition.

We are huge fans of the written word but do think that in the saturated market many find themselves in, it is time to get creative with how you can showcase your brand messaging in a snappy way.

¹ https://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-content/the-power-of-a-picture/4779  

² https://invideo.io/blog/video-marketing-statistics/