How Do You Remain Authentic and Competitive at the Same Time in Marketing?

Kopa Marketing
May 18, 2023

Marketing is a complex task which requires the perfect balance of strategy and personability. With 88% of customers confirming that they look for authenticity when choosing a brand, the statistics only further anchor this point. 

On the one hand, you want to stand out; on the other, you want to give advice that resonates with your target audience and clients. In digital marketing, it can be easy to lose the human side of your marketing campaigns in favour of automation and AI. Something that we pride ourselves on at Kopa Marketing is our ability to find the perfect balance between the two.

Continue reading to learn how you can do the same!

Why Is Emotional Marketing Important?

The human brain processes emotional information 60,000 times faster than it does data. This means that the emotional appeal of a message gets processed in the first instance. Yes, chances are the campaign has been shown to a consumer as there was a digital strategy behind it, but there must be a pull to get them to interact further than simply seeing the content.

Emotional marketing will also lead to further brand reach, allowing a company to be competitive in diverse ways. For example, customers with a strong emotional tie to a brand will be 71% more likely to recommend it. In this instance, if a business has secured a connection with one consumer, they can reach many others without doing any extra work. This means they are beating the competition off the back of a previous piece of content. 

We think this is the perfect example of working smarter, not harder!

What Constitutes Authentic Marketing?

Authenticity in marketing is not just a buzzword. It's a concept that many businesses are trying to achieve, but few can do so effectively. Authenticity is linked to emotional marketing as it shows who a brand is. By building up a core brand that meets the needs of consumers, a company can stand out from the rest.

It can be tempting to lose what makes a business unique in the hopes of beating the competition, but we think that when you act in line with your values, you can create a much stronger proposition for various consumer groups. 

What does it mean to be authentic? In the marketing world, authenticity means being honest with your customers about your product or service and how it works. The goal of all marketing is to build trust so that customers will come back repeatedly to purchase your product or service. A key component of trust is transparency.

How Can You Remain Personable Yet Competitive?

Our top tips for remaining true to yourself whilst creating an elevated marketing position for yourself are as follows:

  • Consistency is key. Your branding and tone of voice must be the same throughout all campaigns. This will ensure consumers know that they are dealing with your business whilst still being enticed to part with their money. 
  • Creating personal connections with consumers will give you a predefined competitive advantage. We don't mean speaking with each person individually, but instead profiling your customers in detail. This means that you can provide them with content and information that is just for their eyes only. This detailed marketing approach allows you to remain true to your brand and gain stronger momentum with different audiences.
  • Using a mix of organic and paid content also helps organisations remain competitive yet authentic. Consumers will be less likely to remain long-term advocates if all communications are deemed for ROI purposes only. Instead, by mixing up your comms style with reactive and planned information, your brand is seen as relevant and not sales focused (even though that is the sole purpose for many).
  • Promote your brand story and origins regularly. As your business grows and new consumers are added, you need to ensure they know what makes you unique. As authentic marketing is key to securing invested customers, this will ensure that even the newest consumers can understand what is authentic and unique about your brand.

Do You Need Help Humanising Your Digital Campaigns?

Even though consumers know the various digital strategies in today’s markets, brands must build emotional connections based on authentic marketing. 

If your business is seen to lack the human side, you will find it hard to beat off competition who are already harnessing the power of emotions. Contact us to learn more and how we apply a unique approach to digital advertising that garners long-term results.